- -今生唯妳
- -Only you in my life
- -牵手相拥
- -Hand in hand
- -永卜变心
- -Never change
- -至亲挚爱
- -Loved
- 今生唯伱
- Only you in this life
- 忠贞不二
- Faithful
- 卜离卜弃
- Never abandon
- 相守到老
- To grow old together
- Birds have the sky
- 鸟有天空
- Fish have the sea
- 鱼有大海
- Who else I have
- 我还有谁
- ζั͡ޓއ ﹏﹏
- Kite has wind
- 风筝有风
- Dolphins have the sea
- 海豚有海
- You still have me
- 你还有我
- ζั͡ޓއ ﹏﹏