- 明明动了情
- feeling
- 还装作不在乎
- As he didn't care
- 明明动了心
- heart
- 却不能靠近
- But not near
- ═══LOVE══
- ═══LOVE══
- ☆呆坐窗后看雨丝
- Cool is a lonely midnigh
- ★仍在欣赏细雨丝
- Not go back to the past
- ♀看着雨丝流下泪
- People go the hollow
- ♂流泪已没有意思
- Alone licking their wou
- love
- 【爱情】
- a cup of medicine
- 【就像是一杯药】
- good medicine
- 【可以是良药】
- Can also be poison
- 【也可以是毒药】
- ───────┼
- 我的目光跟着你
- My eyes follow you.
- 我的心向着你
- My heart for you.
- 我真的爱你
- I really love you.
- 请你记起我
- Please remember me.
- 请你记住我