1、I've just gotten out of a bad relationship and I don't want to start anything too hastily.
2、Maybe I don't deserve you.
Deserve (应得的) 是一个在英文中很好用的字,它用在谈恋爱方面有许多有趣的用法。“我配不上你”英文就是I don't deserve you. 电影《西雅图不眠夜》里安妮和沃尔特分手时就是这么说的。如果有人失恋了,你也可以安慰他说:You deserve someone better. (你一定可以找到更好的。), 或是She doesn't deserve you. (她根本就配不上你。)
日常的会话中也常常用到一句“You deserve it!”,这句话是说这是“你应得的”,就是“活该、自作自受”的意思。比如有人老爱脚踏两条船,结果到头来同时被两个女人给甩了,这种人你就可以对他说 You deserve it.
3、We don't match each other.
和上一句的 I don't deserve me. (我配不上你) 不同,We don't match each other. 指的是“我们两个人不配”。Match 这个词除了当动词外也可以拿来当名词用,比如你要说“某两人很相配”,你就可以说 You are a perfect match.
Match 还可以用在穿着方面,比如Your clothes don't match. 指的就是两件衣服不配 (例如红衣服配上绿裤子之类的)。
4、He is not my type.
女孩子们聚在一起总是会对周遭的男生品头论足。“He is not my type.” 是常用的一个句子, 意思就是“他跟我不适合啦。/ 他不是我想要的那个类型。”
5、I'm not attracted to you.
“I'm not attracted to you.” 这句话在电视或电影上常常听到,意思就是“你不吸引我”,也就是 I don't like you. 这句话比较婉转的说法。
I don't like you. 听起来很直接、比较刺耳,如果别人跟你告白,但你对他并没有意思,你不妨客气一点地说I'm not attracted to you, but we still can be friends. (你不吸引我,但我们还是可以当朋友。)
6、You're a great guy/girl, but I'm just too busy to pursue a serious relationship right now.
7、I'm flattered that you asked, but I'm not ready to start a relationship right now.
8、I'm still hung up over my previous relationship, and I'd rather us just be friends.